Mandell’s talent lies in the implementation of fundamental fine art concerns such as perspective, color composition and drawing into the medium of mosaic. Utilizing such materials as hand blown glass shards, ceramic tile, semiprecious stones, minerals, mirror, Mandell creates wall-mounted panels and three dimensional forms, which evolve into tactile paintings and sculptures. His grout lines are designed to act as drawing lines, bringing his imagery to life. These lines establish depth perspective and the volume of form in the composition. The hand blown glass shards are convex and concave pieces, allowing for a bas-relief effect to form across the mosaic surface.
Jonathan’s mosaics are on permanent display at the National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, PA, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia, PA, the McGraw Hill Company, New York, Drexel University Philadelphia, PA, the Nemours DuPont Hospital, Wilmington, DE and the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center, Skokie, IL among other sites throughout the country.
Additionally, Jonathan has served as an adjunct professor at Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts where he taught his fine art approach to mosaic. His mosaics have been featured in The Bel Aire Hotel Magazine, Glass Art Magazine, and The Penn Gazette and Northwestern Magazine.